Timestamp of tree: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 18:45:01 +0000
# eix-sync
First I updated portage:
# emerge -1av portage
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/portage- []
It's a good idea to read news items as soon as portage informs you about them.
# eselect news read new
There is a common recommendation to update system first and then world. In this case I hit a lot of blockers for system, so I immediately thought about better solutions rather than trying to resolve all of them.
# emerge -uDNa system
[blocks B ] >x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4-r9999:4 (">x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4-r9999:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4)
[blocks B ] <x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.8.2:4 ("<x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.8.2:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-test-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-sql-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2)
[blocks B ] >x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4-r9999:4 (">x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4-r9999:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4)
[blocks B ] >x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4-r9999:4 (">x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4-r9999:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4)
[blocks B ] <x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2:4 ("<x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-test-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-sql-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.8.2)
[blocks B ] <x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2:4 ("<x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-test-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-sql-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.8.2)
[blocks B ] <x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2:4 ("<x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-test-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-sql-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.8.2)
[blocks B ] >x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.7.4-r9999:4 (">x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.7.4-r9999:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4)
[blocks B ] >x11-libs/qt-gui-4.7.4-r9999:4 (">x11-libs/qt-gui-4.7.4-r9999:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4)
[blocks B ] <x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2:4 ("<x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-test-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-sql-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.8.2)
[blocks B ] <x11-libs/qt-sql-4.8.2:4 ("<x11-libs/qt-sql-4.8.2:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-test-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.8.2)
[blocks B ] <x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2:4 ("<x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-test-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-sql-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.8.2)
[blocks B ] >x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4-r9999:4 (">x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4-r9999:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4)
[blocks B ] >x11-libs/qt-core-4.7.4-r9999:4 (">x11-libs/qt-core-4.7.4-r9999:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4)
[blocks B ] <x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.8.2:4 ("<x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.8.2:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-test-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-sql-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.8.2)
[blocks B ] >x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.7.4-r9999:4 (">x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.7.4-r9999:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4)
[blocks B ] <x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2:4 ("<x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-test-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-sql-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.8.2, x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.8.2)
[blocks B ] >x11-libs/qt-sql-4.7.4-r9999:4 (">x11-libs/qt-sql-4.7.4-r9999:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4)
[blocks B ] >x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.7.4-r9999:4 (">x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.7.4-r9999:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4)
[blocks B ] >x11-libs/qt-script-4.7.4-r9999:4 (">x11-libs/qt-script-4.7.4-r9999:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4)
[blocks B ] >x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.7.4-r9999:4 (">x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.7.4-r9999:4" is blocking x11-libs/qt-test-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-svg-4.7.4, x11-libs/qt-declarative-4.7.4)
!!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been pulled
!!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict:
(x11-libs/qt-core-4.7.4-r1::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-core-4.7.4[aqua=,debug=] required by (x11-libs/qt-script-4.7.4::gentoo, installed)
(and 7 more with the same problem)
(x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2[aqua=,c++0x=,debug=,qpa=] required by (x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
(and 10 more with the same problem)
(x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2[accessibility=,aqua=,c++0x=,debug=,qpa=,qt3support] required by (x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
(and 5 more with the same problem)
(x11-libs/qt-gui-4.7.4-r1::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-gui-4.7.4[accessibility=,aqua=,debug=,qt3support] required by (x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.7.4::gentoo, installed)
(and 3 more with the same problem)
(x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.7.4::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
>=x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.7.0:4[accessibility,kde] required by (kde-misc/kde-gtk-config-1.7::gentoo, installed)
~x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.7.4[aqua=,debug=] required by (x11-libs/qt-gui-4.7.4-r1::gentoo, installed)
(x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2[aqua=,c++0x=,debug=,qpa=] required by (x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
(and 1 more with the same problem)
(x11-libs/qt-sql-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-sql-4.8.2[aqua=,c++0x=,debug=,qpa=,qt3support] required by (x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
(and 1 more with the same problem)
(x11-libs/qt-sql-4.7.4::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-sql-4.7.4[aqua=,debug=,qt3support] required by (x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.7.4::gentoo, installed)
(x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.8.2[aqua=,c++0x=,qpa=,debug=] required by (x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
(x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.7.4::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.7.4[aqua=,debug=] required by (x11-libs/qt-gui-4.7.4-r1::gentoo, installed)
(and 1 more with the same problem)
(x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-script-4.8.2[aqua=,c++0x=,qpa=,debug=] required by (x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
(and 1 more with the same problem)
(x11-libs/qt-script-4.7.4::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-script-4.7.4[aqua=,debug=] required by (x11-libs/qt-gui-4.7.4-r1::gentoo, installed)
(x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.7.4::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
>=x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.7.0:4[kde] required by (kde-misc/kde-gtk-config-1.7::gentoo, installed)
(x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
(no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
(x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.7.4::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.7.4[aqua=,debug=] required by (x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.7.4::gentoo, installed)
(x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
~x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.8.2[aqua=,debug=,qpa=] required by (x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
(and 1 more with the same problem)
(dev-libs/icu-49.1.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
>=dev-libs/icu-49 required by (x11-libs/qt-core-4.8.2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
(dev-libs/icu-, installed) pulled in by
<dev-libs/icu-49 required by (www-client/chromium-18.0.1025.151::gentoo, installed)
In fact, updating world resolved all blocks automatically. I wonder if people who hit excessive blocks have forgot to run emerge --depclean --ask or to add packages to their world file.
# emerge -uDNa world
Java-related packages often have fetch restrictions so I updated that one first:
# emerge -1uav app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java
It turned out the Oracle page I went to provided more recent downloads, which would not match the file names and digests expected by the ebuild, but it was pretty easy to figure out the URL for older download:
# emerge -uDNa world
I realized emerge is printing a lot of noise after completion, so I removed the following settings from /etc/make.conf. The new portage defaults are good for typical systems.
Then xdg-user-dirs-gtk failed to emerge with "cannot open shared object file" errors. An obvious solution is to run revdep-rebuild then. One downside of a large update is that I had to run revdep-rebuild multiple times in the process.
checking for xgettext... (cached) /usr/bin/xgettext
checking for msgmerge... /usr/bin/msgmerge
checking for msgfmt... (cached) /usr/bin/msgfmt
checking for gmsgfmt... (cached) /usr/bin/gmsgfmt
/usr/bin/xgettext: error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.48: cannot open shared object file
: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/msgmerge: error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.48: cannot open shared object file
: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/msgfmt: error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.48: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory
configure: error: GNU gettext tools not found; required for intltool
!!! Please attach the following file when seeking support:
!!! /var/tmp/portage/x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.9/work/xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.9/config.log
* ERROR: x11-misc/xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.9 failed (configure phase):
* econf failed
# revdep-rebuild
Removed old v8 versions as told in an elog message:
# revdep-rebuild --library '/usr/lib64/libv8.so.' && rm '/usr/lib64/libv8.so.'
# revdep-rebuild --library '/usr/lib64/libv8.so.3.8.9' && rm '/usr/lib64/libv8.so.3.8.9'
# emerge -uDNa world
Another "undefined reference" error that should be easily fixed by revdep-rebuild:
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -L/usr/lib64 -o xscreensaver-demo-Gtk prefs.o dpms.o remote.o exec.o ../utils/resources.o ../utils/usleep.o ../utils/visual.o demo-Gtk.o demo-Gtk-conf.o -L/usr/lib64 \
-pthread -Wl,--export-dynamic -lglade-2.0 -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lxml2 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -latk-1.0 -lgio-2.0 -lpangoft2-1.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lcairo -lpango-1.0 -lfreetype -lfontconfig -lgdk_pixbuf_xlib-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lgthread-2.0 -lrt -lglib-2.0 -lXmu -lXpm -pthread -lgdk_pixbuf_xlib-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lgthread-2.0 -lrt -lglib-2.0 -lSM -lICE \
-lXt -lX11 -lXinerama -lXext
/usr/lib64/libcairo.so: undefined reference to `qt_draw_glyphs(QPainter*, unsigned int const*, QPointF const*, int)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [xscreensaver-demo-Gtk] Błąd 1
make[1]: Opuszczenie katalogu `/var/tmp/portage/x11-misc/xscreensaver-5.15/work/xscreensaver-5.15/driver'
make: *** [default] Błąd 5
* ERROR: x11-misc/xscreensaver-5.15 failed (compile phase):
* emake failed
# revdep-rebuild
The problem was that revdep-rebuild exited with some blocks:
[blocks B ] xfce-base/xfce-utils ("xfce-base/xfce-utils" is blocking xfce-base/xfce4-session-4.10.0, xfce-base/libxfce4ui-4.10.0)
!!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been pulled
!!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict:
(x11-libs/libwnck-2.30.7::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
(no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
(x11-libs/libwnck-2.31.0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
>=x11-libs/libwnck-2.31:1 required by (xfce-base/xfce4-panel-4.10.0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
I tried to re-emerge relevant packages manually, but hit the same issue:
# emerge -1uav libwnck:1
/usr/lib64/libcairo.so: undefined reference to `qt_draw_glyphs(QPainter*, unsigned int const*, QPointF const*, int)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
The error is clearly in libcairo.so, so let's rebuild cairo and proceed with libwnck:
# emerge -1av cairo
# emerge -1uav libwnck:1
That worked, but xfce-utils block remained. I just unmerged the problematic package. If it's needed, it should get pulled in later.
That worked, but xfce-utils block remained. I just unmerged the problematic package. If it's needed, it should get pulled in later.
# emerge -C xfce-utils
The "-i" option tells revdep-rebuild tells it to ignore now stale temporary files:
The "-i" option tells revdep-rebuild tells it to ignore now stale temporary files:
# revdep-rebuild -i
As told in elog messages:
# revdep-rebuild --library '/lib64/libpcre.so.0' && rm '/lib64/libpcre.so.0'
# revdep-rebuild --library '/usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.0.9.8' && rm '/usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.0.9.8'
# revdep-rebuild --library '/usr/lib64/libssl.so.0.9.8' && rm '/usr/lib64/libssl.so.0.9.8'
I also noted the following elog messages about kernel config:
* Messages for package sys-fs/udev-171-r6:
* CONFIG_BLK_DEV_BSG: is not set when it should be.
* Please check to make sure these options are set correctly.
* Failure to do so may cause unexpected problems.
* Messages for package sys-auth/consolekit-0.4.5_p20120320:
* CONFIG_TMPFS_POSIX_ACL: is not set when it should be.
* Please check to make sure these options are set correctly.
* Failure to do so may cause unexpected problems.
# emerge -uDNa world
More elog messages worth noting:
More elog messages worth noting:
* Messages for package x11-base/xorg-server-1.12.2:
* You must rebuild all drivers if upgrading from <xorg-server-1.12
* because the ABI changed. If you cannot start X because
* of module version mismatch errors, this is your problem.
* You can generate a list of all installed packages in the x11-drivers
* category using this command:
* emerge portage-utils; qlist -I -C x11-drivers/
* Messages for package net-print/cups-1.5.2-r4:
* Your usb printers will be managed via libusb. In this case,
* cups-1.5.2 requires the USB_PRINTER support disabled.
* Please disable it:
* in /usr/src/linux/.config or
* Device Drivers --->
* USB support --->
* [ ] USB Printer support
* Alternatively, just disable the usb useflag for cups (your printer will still work).
Another failure fixed by revdep-rebuild:
CC xfce4_appfinder-main.o
CCLD xfce4-appfinder
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.5.4/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: warning: libxcb-util.so.0, needed by /usr/lib64/libstartup-notification-1.so.0, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
/usr/lib64/libstartup-notification-1.so.0: undefined reference to `xcb_aux_get_screen'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [xfce4-appfinder] Błąd 1
make[3]: Opuszczenie katalogu `/var/tmp/portage/xfce-base/xfce4-appfinder-4.10.0/work/xfce4-appfinder-4.10.0/src'
make[2]: *** [all] Błąd 2
make[2]: Opuszczenie katalogu `/var/tmp/portage/xfce-base/xfce4-appfinder-4.10.0/work/xfce4-appfinder-4.10.0/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Błąd 1
make[1]: Opuszczenie katalogu `/var/tmp/portage/xfce-base/xfce4-appfinder-4.10.0/work/xfce4-appfinder-4.10.0'
make: *** [all] Błąd 2
* ERROR: xfce-base/xfce4-appfinder-4.10.0 failed (compile phase):
* emake failed
# revdep-rebuild
# dispatch-conf
# emerge -uDNa world
Easy to fix file collision caused by left over files:
Easy to fix file collision caused by left over files:
* package dev-db/hsqldb- NOT merged
* Detected file collision(s):
* /var/lib/hsqldb/server.properties
* /var/lib/hsqldb/sqltool.rc
* Searching all installed packages for file collisions...
* Press Ctrl-C to Stop
* None of the installed packages claim the file(s).
* Package 'dev-db/hsqldb-' NOT merged due to file collisions.
* If necessary, refer to your elog messages for the whole content of the
* above message.
# rm -rf /var/lib/hsqldb/
# emerge -uDNa world
# dispatch-conf
Final cleanup:
Final cleanup:
# emerge --depclean --ask
# revdep-rebuild
Kernel update:
# eselect kernel list
# eselect kernel set 10
# cd /usr/src/linux
# zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
# make oldconfig
# make menuconfig
# make -j5 && make modules_install install
X11 rebuild:
# emerge -1av $(qlist -I -C x11-drivers/)
I also hit and reported bug #433742 about xf86-video-nv segfault (fix is described inside the bug).
And that's it. Seems like a lot of commands, but most of the compiles finished overnight, and the biggest hurdle was the need to run revdep-rebuild multiple times.